Our Referral Policy
Referrals to the Courtyard Counseling Center, LLC come from many sources. For most insurance companies (including Cigna, UBH, PEBTF, and Geisinger Health Plan) we are a direct access clinic. That means that you do not have to be referred by your family doctor, and in most cases have a pre-approval by your insurance company. To be certain you might want to call your insurance company.
By far the easiest way to make an appointment is to call us directly and speak to or leave a message for the therapist you wish to see. Our voicemail system is confidential and can only be heard by the person for whom your message is intended. If you don’t know which therapist you wish to see, please feel free to call Erin Goedegebuure, Director and she can direct you to the therapist who is best suited for you. Please note, we don’t respond to phone calls while we are in session. We will return your call usually that very same day, if not, within twenty-four hours.